Welcome to Jekyll on GitHub Pages

4 minute read

Recently, I had been thinking about migrating my blog from ryentang.wordpress.com to kiazhi.github.io. There are positive and negative thoughts about it. Sure enough, I have mixed feelings on this dramatic move but I still want to give it a try.

Getting Started with Jekyll on GitHub

In this blog post, I will be documenting the basic steps to get Jekyll on GitHub using command line from macOS. If you are a Windows person, the documentation in this blog post will still be of use because it provides an understanding of the flow and what needs to be done.

Why am I documenting this in a blog post? Because this is my first attempt with Jekyll on GitHub and after that it will be history and I am taking a note of this to help myself in remembering the process. :)


Pre-requisite requirements


Create a GitHub Repository

Create a GitHub.io repository using the command line below.

Note: In order to make this easier for everyone to understand, I have chosen to use $GITHUB_USERNAME and $GITHUB_PASSWORD as variables. You will need to replace these $GITHUB_USERNAME and $GITHUB_PASSWORD variables with your real GitHub username and password.

curl -u '$GITHUB_USERNAME:$GITHUB_PASSWORD' https://api.github.com/user/repos -d '{"name":"$GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io"}'

If you have setup your GitHub account with two-factor authentication, you will need create an access token to authenticate with GitHub REST API and use the command line in the example below.

Note: In order to make this easier for everyone to understand, I have chosen to use $GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN as a variable. You will need to replace the $GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN variable with an actual token string from your GitHub User Settings.

curl -u '$GITHUB_USERNAME:$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN' https://api.github.com/user/repos -d '{"name":"$GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io"}'


Clone GitHub remote repository to local file system

Once you have created the repository, you will need to find a local file system location to download the new empty repository to work with locally before pushing content back to GitHub repository using Git for publishing the site with static web content.

In this example, I will demostrate this using git clone command below.

Note: If you have followed this from the start, you will know that $GITHUB_USERNAME is a variable and you need to replace this with your real GitHub username.

git clone https://github.com/$GITHUB_USERNAME/$GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io.git


Install Bundler and Jekyll

Before we use gem install command on your terminal, make sure you have Ruby installed. To validate Ruby is installed, execute the shell command ruby -v in your terminal. If the command returns Ruby version in your terminal, proceed to install Bundler and Jekyll. If the command did not returns Ruby version, you can refer to the documentation on Installing Ruby.

gem install bundler jekyll


Create your new Jekyll site

Change your current working directory to the cloned repository directory path.

cd $GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io

Use jekyll new to create your new Jekyll site in your current cloned repository directory path in your local file system and see it populate the original empty folder.

jekyll new .


Generate static site and preview site locally

Next, we can generates the static site and preview the site locally use loopback address. Remember that this command must only be executed to generate and preview the site from the local file system GitHub ./$GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io repository directory where the Jekyll content is located.

bundle exec jekyll serve

You can preview the site by browsing to loopback address on port 4000. Use CTRL+C on the terminal to stop Jekyll from serving the site and returns back to shell.


Publishing static site to GitHub.io

Finally, when you are satisfied with the site content and layout preview, use git to add all files from local repository, commit them and push to your GitHub repository.

git add --all
git commit -m 'My first Jekyll site commit'
git push -u origin master



Finally, you can view the published site on the internet by browsing to the url.

Note: Remember to replace $GITHUB_USERNAME variable with your real GitHub username to browse your published online site.

On macOS terminal:

open https://$GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/

Or launch any of your favourite browser and manually input the url.

It is simple to get a blog site up and running instantly without meddling with database requirements and etc. The disappointment factor is probably site management capability and features that are offered by big service providers (eg. Blogger, Wordpress and so on.).

I suppose the only reason that attracts me using Jekyll on GitHub Pages would be the ease of use with markdown language and the freedom with GitHub’s terms of service for GitHub Pages.

Well, this is the first post and I still have to take some time to fine tune this site with the use of Ruby, CSS, HTML, Markdown, Git skillset to make this site better and easier for me to manage. That also means I will have to hack more on this and provide myself this new challenge. Hack-on…

